Mar 25, 2024
The Japanese Cowboy: An Encounter with Amami's “Zorba the Buddha”
“I would like you to enjoy the wholeness of your being, when your body, your heart, your intellect all fall in tune. I have called that...

Oct 13, 2023
Island re-encounters
My first encounter with the Amami islands, in the south of the Japanese archipelago, was a rather unforgettable experience. I landed on...

Apr 5, 2022
The “People” Pencil Cases of Bruce 2nd
Bruce Lee Torizawa's studio in Kyoto’s Arashiyama district is a cornucopia of patterns, colours, fabrics, images and symbols. But no...

Sep 9, 2021
The Female Pilot
Back in 2010, I was sitting at the Charlotte, NC airport on a layover between my flights from Atlanta to San Francisco. The area at my...

Aug 17, 2021
A Mongolian “Jigit" Driver Encounter
During the spring break of 2002, I went to Mongolia to lead training workshops for the Ulan Bator state university teachers and students...

Jul 20, 2021
Xing - Chance Encounter
In early September 1996, I accompanied my wife to an international conference for which she had been asked to present a paper and join a...

Jul 20, 2021
A taste of uisge-beatha
June 21, Culloden Moor Inn, Eastern Highlands, Scotland I walked into the empty pub and tried to adjust my eyes to the shadowy interior....

Feb 17, 2019
A Metaphor
After several months in Tokyo, my wife Linda had been invited to give a series of lectures on intercultural communication in Doshisha...

Jun 2, 2018
Aitutaki. Aitutaki Lagoon. Aitutaki Lagoon Resort. Aitutaki Lagoon Resort Grotto. Aitutaki Lagoon Resort Island, part of the Cook...

Sep 24, 2017
Men in passing: in three short acts
Act one: A street encounter with manpower My small apartment on the outskirts of Tokyo was Spartan in its furnishing. All there was, when...